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Welcome to A ROOM FOR YOU. We have these rules to promote harmony and safety in the home.   Guests of

A ROOM FOR YOU live together as a family unit working together to support each other on their recovery journeys.  The Head of House will help you set goals and hold you accountable to the standards and rules of the house.




Our Mission:  A ROOM FOR YOU was founded to provide temporary, high-quality shared housing for individuals experiencing housing insecurity or those recovering from traumas or addictions.   We strive to provide a positive, nurturing atmosphere while utilizing local resources to optimize opportunities for growth towards independence and success for our guests.




1.This is a Clean & Sober house and you MUST be clean and sober at all times otherwise immediate termination of your residency WILL result.  You will have a baseline UA (urinalyses to screen for drugs or alcohol) when you arrive. Random weekly UA’s will be required. The Head of House or manager may request a random UA at any time. Failure to comply is cause for termination of residency.


2. If you supply or give drugs or alcohol to any guest or are caught dealing drugs on or off property, you WILL be asked to leave within 15 minutes and may get your belongings within FIVE DAYS.


​3.  If you use alcohol or drugs, you must self-report immediately to A ROOM FOR YOU Staff. You will be asked to sign a HIPAA release form upon admission so that we may discuss drug testing results with drug counselors.


4. There is no expectation of privacy. Rooms may be searched for drugs or contraband at any time.


5. If you do not already have a sponsor, you are expected to obtain one for your NA/AA programs.


6. You are expected to work together with the people in the house on your sobriety.  No alcohol or illegal drug use. No marijuana or using prescription drugs that have not been disclosed or do not belong to you.



1. NA/AA or similar meetings are required WEEKLY, or more frequently according to your personal recovery plan. If you are less than 90 days sober you will be expected to attend 90 meetings in 90 days.  You will be required to provide a signature sheet to Head of House weekly to verify participation. We have a weekly house meeting that is mandatory for all the members of the house.


2. NO CALL NO SHOW:  for 48 hours will result in termination of residency. Please contact staff if you plan on being gone longer than 48 hours with approval. NOTE:  We enforce the curfew unless you have a check out slip from work.


3. PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS: No cough syrup unless it is prescribed. Any prescribed “behind-the-counter” medication must be kept in a locked box provided by management. A copy of all prescriptions must be provided. Any and all medication MUST be kept in the secure storage provided by staff. Vitamins are the ONLY exception.


4. Accountability:  You must Keep us informed of where you will be when you are not at the house.  Sign out on the white board in the kitchen noting where you will be (work, school, etc.) and when you expect to return.


5. Since guests are in transition for various reasons, we will neither confirm nor deny that they live here.


6. Honesty and integrity are expected at all times. Our highest values are tranquility, cooperation, and a feeling of personal safety.  Threats of violence WILL RESULT IN TERMINATION. No discussion about other guests’ ​background and struggles with non-guests.


7. CHORES:  Chores will be assigned weekly. The chore list is in the kitchen. If you cannot do your chores, you need to arrange for another guest to cover for you. The house will be deep cleaned every week. Chores will include thorough cleanup of common areas (kitchens, bathrooms, living room). Each guest is responsible for cleaning up after themselves and participating in communal chores as necessary. A $100/month Cleaning Service fee will be charged to any guest that is not cooperating with expected cleaning procedures.

8. Curfew is midnight on Friday and Saturday night. Curfew is 10 PM Sunday through Thursday night. No exceptions unless approved by the House Manager. You may be asked to provide a work schedule to the house manager.


9. If you intentionally damage the house, you will pay for the damage. If no one self-reports, then the whole house will pay for the damage.


10. NEW GUESTS:  We will ask you if you know the applicants for your house. We will trust your recommendations about people you know well. We are houses where teamwork and cooperation is expected.


11. We are partnered with many external agencies who want to help you. We will make recommendations for outside counseling, support, schooling, and employment. We believe that living at A ROOM FOR YOU is an opportunity for personal growth and healing. We will do everything we can to facilitate these goals.


12. You must abide by all the rules of the house and all laws.  If you receive 2 negative reports, you will meet with the Head of House and the managers to ascertain if the house is a good fit for you.                                                        

13. SMOKING: Smoking or vaping is allowed only outside in the back patio area. Please clean up your smoking materials. ​ No smoking or vaping inside the house, in front of the house,  or in the garage.


14. Stealing is cause for termination.  Taking someone else’s food is stealing. Bringing stolen goods into the house is stealing. Taking someone’s medication is stealing. We will ask you to move if you steal.


15. No pets or service animals. Please do not ask.


16. If you borrow and loan it is at your own risk. Guests are responsible for their own security and the security of their possessions. Guests storing personal belongings in common areas store them at their own risk. Property left over from moving out or being evicted may be disposed of after 30 days unless other arrangements have been made.


17. CARS: If you own a vehicle, it must be functioning and not in disrepair (leaking oil, smoking, etc.) you must also have proof of license, insurance, and registration. Parking is allowed in the driveway and on the street along the curb of the house, NOT IN FRONT OF ANY OTHER PROPERTY. Head of House may assign parking if needed. If you damage someone’s car, it is your responsibility. We do not get involved.


18. Visitors are NOT allowed unless there is a valid business reason that has been approved in advance by staff. NO overnight visitors are allowed under any conditions.  NO persons under the age of 18 allowed anywhere on the property at any time, unless discussed with the managers and Child Protective Services has approved.


19. No persons of opposite gender in the house. If you violate this rule, you will be asked to leave. If your roommate does not report the violation to us, they will be asked to leave.


20. All incoming guests will be disease free, lice free, and bedbug free. If you bring an infestation into the house, you are responsible for the cost of fumigation.




  • Buy your own food. Refrigerator & dry foods space are assigned.

  • Cleanup area immediately and put all leftover food away.

  • Wash ALL dishes and cooking utensils immediately upon completion of your meal. DO NOT leave items soaking in the sink.

  • Meals are to be eaten in the kitchen or dining room only. Light snacks are permitted in the TV room.  No eating in bedrooms.

  • House dishes are not to be taken outside.

  • DO NOT pour grease or oil in the sinks. Put it in the provided container or trash can.



  • Bedrooms are to be clean and organized at all times.

  • Beds will be made each morning.

  • Bedroom doors are to remain unlocked.

  • Rooms are assigned. You are not allowed to be in any bedroom not assigned to you.

  • Bedrooms may be inspected at any time at the discretion of the Manager or Head of House.

  • Personal space heaters are not allowed.


Living/TV Room

  • Please be considerate of people watching TV. No cross talking, phone calls, or lying on the furniture.

  • No eating meals in the living/TV room. Light snack & beverage are OK. Please clean the area when you leave.

  • The house TV will be turned off at the time designated by the Head of House.

  • Those who are currently employed or in school have TV priority after work & the weekends.



  • Those currently employed or in school have laundry priority after work & the weekends

  • Laundry hours are 8 am to 9 pm. Please do not start your laundry after 7:30 pm.

  • Make sure your load is adjusted in the washer to avoid unbalancing.

  • Check to see if anyone is showering prior to starting your laundry.

  • Use warm/cold or cold/cold water temperatures ONLY.

  • Please remove your laundry promptly. If laundry is left longer than 15 minutes after ending cycle, please place wet clothes in the dryer or dry clothes on top of the dryer. Respect others laundry as you would want yours respected.

  • Only dry one load from the washer at a time.

  • Empty the lint trap in the dryer after each load. Please put the lint in the trash can.


Dress Code

  • No gang or drug/alcohol related, or outlandish clothing or paraphernalia.

  • Shirt must be worn at all times.



  • Please limit showers from 5 to 8 minutes and overall use to 15 minutes (especially during the morning hours). Dry off before getting out of the shower. 

  • Do not wash clothes in the showers.

  • Do not leave items hanging to dry on knobs or towel racks in bathrooms. Use the towel rack in your bedroom.   No personal items left out.

  • Clean shower, tub, and sink immediately after each use.


Vehicles & parking

  • One vehicle per licensed guest.

  • Vehicle must be in good operating condition, currently registered, and insured.

  • Park in assigned space. Be courteous to others as space is limited.



  • Smoking, vaping, candles, or incense are not allowed inside ANY building.

  • Designated smoking area is on the back patio only.  Ashes and butts must be put in designated containers.  Smoking and vaping are prohibited in the front of the house.



  • Loud music or TV’s at any time is unacceptable. Please be considerate of others.

  • Content of music and TV is subject to review by Staff for acceptability.



  • Visitors are not allowed, unless there is a business reason that is approved in advance by the of Head of House or manager.

  • You are responsible for your visitors, and they must follow house rules.

  • Visitors are not allowed in any bedroom.

  • Visitors must respect the house and those living there.



  • Respect for others is paramount at Our House. If it’s not yours, don’t touch it. Ask!

  • Contribute to a clean, safe, and sober family environment.

  • Please respect our neighbors at all times.  Any outdoor activities other than assigned yard chores are restricted to the garden and patio areas at the rear of the house.

  • Alcohol, non-prescription drugs, internet, pornography, are not allowed.

  • Those not employed or in school, will leave the house each weekday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm to look for a job. Or, you are to check-in with the Head of House at 8:00 am daily.

  • Turn off all lights and appliances when leaving a room. Practice energy conservation.

  • Please shower, brush your teeth, and wash your clothes often.

  • Trash is picked up on Tuesdays.  It is up to all guests to put the cans at the curb Monday night.



​Guests will be required to initial the following items and sign acknowledging these rules as part of the admissions process.



Involuntary termination of residence shall include, but is not limited to:

1. Use or possession of alcohol, drugs, drug paraphernalia, guns, knives, other weapons. ____________

2. Dealing drugs on or off the property. ____________

3. Abuse of over the counter or prescription medications. ____________

4. Possession of stolen goods or any theft. ____________

5. No visitors allowed without written consent. ____________

6. Physical violence or threats of any kind. This includes anyone you let in the house. ____________

7. Consistent violation of curfew. ____________

8. Violation of house rules. ____________

9. Having a messy room or food in your room 3 times. ____________

10. Stuffing anything down the toilet except toilet paper. ____________

11. Damaging the house intentionally. ____________

12. Not meeting required sanitary expectations. ____________

13. Soliciting money from other guests. ______________



I understand that this recovery house is in compliance with the Anti-Drug Act of 1988 Public Law #100-690 which exempts this house from the Landlord Tenant Act. ____________________

I agree to comply with the house rules and expectations at all times. ____________________

I understand that violating house rules will result in a write up. _________________________

I understand that cooperation, kindness, and respect are key values and will do my best to support the persons in the house. _____________________

I understand that if I have a conflict within the house, the managers and the Head of House will aid in finding a resolution, since this is a TEAM environment and cooperation is essential. ______________________


Signed and Understood ______________________________

Printed Name ______________________________________

Staff Signature __________________________________________

Date _____________________________________________

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